Exhibition open from 4 November 2019 to 26 January 2020
Preview on 21 November at 6 pm
Actor and director, Vincent Perez is also a photographer. Born in Lausanne in 1964, he attended the Vevey School of Photography for two years. He then forked the cinema, playing under the direction of the greatest directors. Vincent Perez returned to photography in the 2000s. He exhibits in Russia, at the Rencontres de la photographie d’Arles and at the Maison européenne de la photographie of Paris. The portraits of Parisians and Russians presented at the Swiss Camera Museum are from this latest exhibition. Never before has Vincent Perez exhibited his photographs in Switzerland. His portraits accompany a presentation of the 100-year history of PENTAX, a renowned Japanese brand of which Vincent Perez is the ambassador.
A la fête de Maslenitsa
Les Parisiens VII – Vincent Perez: Identités